Is Freelancing a Good Online Business to do in 2020?

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Wondering if freelancing is a good online business for you to start in 2020? Find out more in this article.


Freelancing has its pros and cons and we are going to discuss all that below. Most people get into freelancing because they want to make money or they want to have another income source.


Both are excellent reasons and it’s very important because the drive to make money will drive you to become better at what you do or learn new skills required. It keeps you on your toes because the more professional you become, the more money you can make from being a freelancer.


Freelancing is when you offer your professional services to companies and there’s a couple of ways you can do that.


  1. You can offer your services on your blog or website or social media platforms.
  2. You can join freelancing sites like Fiverr, Upwork, freelancer to get access to clients.


Which option is the best for a new freelancer? I’ll say do both if you already have a blog or website and if your social media pages always show your skills, past works and what you can do. You can always rebrand your social media pages, turn them to a business page and publish your works.


As a new freelancer, signing up on sites like Fiverr, Upwork and other freelancing sites is the best option for you because you are new with little to no experience. Nobody knows you and so the probability of you getting a client directly from your social media pages is low.


That’s why the best approach is to join sites where you can offer your services, see client’s jobs and send a proposal or how you intend to help the client solve his problem.


Since you’re just starting out, you’ll want to stick to easy entry level jobs and sometimes these jobs are low paying but that’s really matter because for the first 1-2 months you’re building your freelance profile and the more jobs you get and can complete successfully, the more clients you’re going to get.


Clients are always looking for the best person that can get the job done and sometimes a beginner isn’t what they are looking for. Don’t be discouraged because everyone started out as a beginner and what ensured their success was, they didn’t give up.


Freelancing is not a get rich quick scheme, it’s more of a marathon than a sprint. You need to be ready to put in the work, sometimes you’ll meet bad clients, unresponsive and as a freelancer you must be confident in your worth and at the same time be patient, calm and understanding because a bad review from a single client will damage your reputation and that will cost you future jobs with better clients.



Freelancing isn’t for everyone because not everyone is patient, calm and not quick to anger. Some people are very confrontational which won’t do any good for your freelancing profile and career.


Stay calm, consistent, know your worth and be committed to providing the best for your clients and your work will speak for you.


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